University of Amsterdam Announces Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AES) – APPLY NOW

Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AES)

Make your dreams happen by applying to Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AES) in Netherlands

University of Amsterdam (UeA) offers ‘Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AES)’ to international students who are non-EU/EEA students. These scholarships are awarded only to Masters level students.

Description of Scholarship:

University Name: University of Amsterdam

Country: Netherlands

Course Starting Date: September 2019 (Intake)

Deadline for Application: 15th January/1st February 2019

These awards are conferred to exceptionally talented students from outside European area so that the eligible international students can pursue their Master study being offered at the university.

Programs of Study:

These scholarships are only for English-taught programs for the subjects mentioned as under:



Child Development and Education


Economics and Business

Social Sciences



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Only for non-EU/EEA member countries’ students. The students with exceptional academic background and who graduated in the top 10% of their class are invited to lodge applications. The committee will decide on the basis of academic excellence, relevance of the chosen Mater’s program and ambition.

Number of Scholarships:

Not mentioned


Scholarship Value and Duration:

The amount of the scholarship is €25,000. It is a fully funded scholarship and covers both tuition and living expenses for one academic year. There is a possibility of the extension for the second year if the duration of your Masters is 2 years.

How to Apply:

You can apply for Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AES) through the admissions offices of the graduate schools of the university. To check out the eligibility, selection procedure, requirements and application instructions on the websites of the graduate schools. The applications’ deadlines vary according to the subjects (programs), but it is either 15th January 2019 or 1st February 2019. To make it sure, please visit the below official link of the university and also the websites of the faculties (you can find the direct link of all faculties under programs of study above) there you will find complete details of the scholarships and application procedures.

Official Link of Scholarship Website:–tuition/scholarships-and-loans/amsterdam-excellence-scholarship/amsterdam-excellence-scholarship.html

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