There is no denying that student loans are what the students from all parts of the world keep searching for. Loans are liked due to the reason that often the students do not succeed in getting the scholarships, then they try going for the loans for students available around the world. There are a number of organizations functioning in the world to provide this facility to interested students. Among them is a popular name MPOWER Financing. The corporation has been out there to help the students get their dream take place to study abroad. MPOWER, where it provides loans to students, also offers various scholarships to help the students. If interested, you may submit the applications for MPOWER Financing Monthly Scholarships for International Students. The applications are open.
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Information about MPOWER Financing Monthly Scholarships for International Students
The corporation is pleased to announce its Monthly Scholarship Series for the students. This year, MPOWER is all set to award US$48,000 to help 36 international students fund their education goals.
Brief Description about MPOWER Financing Scholarship
Here, you may find the details about the scholarship in a brief manner.
Corporation: MPOWER Financing
Opportunity: Monthly Scholarship Series
Target Audience: International Students
Financial Coverage: Funded
Deadline: 30th November 2022
Visit: Student Summer Research Fellowship Program (Fully Funded) in Switzerland
How Does This Work?
Each month, interested students may check the scholarship page of monthly scholarships of MPOWER website on the first day to find out the details for the month.
You need to make it sure that you submit the applications quickly, as the application period will last till the last Friday of the month.
Thankfulness During Your Journey
November Scholarship consists of two of MPOWER’s favorite topics – students like you and Thanksgiving. If you are interested in applying, you need to tell them who or what you have been thankful for during your journey as a student of the world (as an international student), and how you have described/expressed your gratitude.
If you like to be eligible, you need to have a valid student visa and have also to be enrolled in or accepted to a full-time program at one of the 400 plus universities in the U.S. and Canada which MPOWER supports.
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About MPOWER Financing
It was founded in 2014 by Manu Smadja and Mike Davis, the two former international students laced with a shared dream, to remove the financial hardships students often experience when pursuing an education abroad. MPOWER student loans are quite famous in the world.
Being a public-benefit corporation, MPOWER Financing works with a mission to lessen the financial barriers to international education. It is famous for providing loans for students. The corporation has been providing student loans since its beginning, and also endows the students with scholarships.
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Eligibility Requirements for Scholarship
To be considered, you need to meet the eligibility requirements set for the applicants.
The applicants need to be admitted to, or enrolled in, a full-time degree level program at a Canadian or U.S. school which is supported by MPOWER.
They need to be international students permitted to study legally in Canada or the U.S.
For studying in the United States, it means that the applicant should meet one of the following criteria:
- Is protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), or
- Possesses a valid visa which permits study in the United States.
For studying in Canada, it means that the applicant has to meet the below mentioned criteria:
- Possesses a valid study permit of Canada
Note: The citizens of the United States wishing to study in the United States and the citizens of Canada wishing to study in Canada are not eligible for this scholarship scheme.
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Financial Coverage
Following is the coverage is offered to the students:
- Grand Prize: $2,000
- Honorable Mentions (2): $1,000
Deadline for Applications
The last date for applications submission is November 30, 2022.
How to Apply for MPOWER Financing Monthly Scholarships for International Students
Students can now visit the official call for scholarships and get the details. If you are interested, you may start your applications now and submit it. Visit the official link to application for submission.
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