It is obvious when you do not succeed in getting a scholarship and you do not have funds to study abroad, but at the same time you do not want to waste your precious study year, in this scenario you seek an opportunity that lets you have funds to fulfill your dreams. Then, the student loan comes up to help you out. There are plenty of organizations available across the world that help the needy students to fund their studies.
Among them, MPower Financing is out there to provide student loans to the ones who approach them for their need. They claim that students dream and their funds make a bright future for the potential students.
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Details for Student Loan Provided By MPower Financing
Since it happens that often the students have to bring in the cosigners or have to show the credit history in order to be eligible for the student loan, but in this case of MPower Financing they do not require cosigners, collateral or a credit history. The company raises the claim that we do not require these things because we believe in students’ future potential.
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International and DACA Students – All are Welcome
The company welcomes all whether you are an international student or DACA student. If you are unable to find funding for your studies in the USA or Canada, the company is out there to help you out. They claim that they have created the only fixed-rate student loan for international students which is highly secured by students earnings potential not by cosigners or collateral.
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What Makes MPower Financing Student Loan Special?
- They offer fixed interest rates with flexible loan amounts (ranging from $2001 to $50,000 in total) which can make coverage of student’s tuition, school supplies and living expenditures for future semesters or past due balances.
- Their loan supports all degrees and majors. There is absolutely no requirement for a cosigner, credit history or collateral.
- The student can enjoy with interest-only payments while you are in school and in the duration of the 6-month post-graduation grace period.
- You can earn up to 1.50% off your interest rate and this way you may construct your U.S. credit history to connect your path to future financing.
- You have the option to pay your loan online in any of currency you want to use for payment from any location in the world. You will also not be charged any prepayment penalties, if you like to pay your loan off early.
Germany Offers You Full Funds to Study for Masters and PhD
Eligibility for a Student Loan
You are eligible to apply for your student loan if you fulfill below mentioned criteria.
You are able, if:
- You are an undergraduate or graduate student within 2 years of graduating or on way to start a 2 or 1 year program.
- You are an international student, DACA recipient or you hold a U.S. citizenship or you are a refugee or asylum seeker.
- You are admitted to or going to attend one of MPower Financing’s 350 approved schools in the U.S. or Canada.
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How Does This Process of Loan Work?
Check the image below that will guide you completely as to how your application will be processed?
Loan Terms and Student Loan Calculation
To check the terms and how you can calculate the loan payment terms, simply click the below button.
Loan Terms & Student Loan Calculation
Canada’s McGill University Announces Fully Funded Scholarships for All Levels, Apply Today
How to Apply for Student Loan?
In order to apply for the student loan, just click the below link and you will be taken on the page.
Click for Student Loan Application at MPower Financing
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