Next Generation Scholarship (Fully Funded Masters Programs) – Bachelors Too Can Apply

If you are looking for fully funded Masters programs, then the latest one called ‘Next Generation Scholarship’ to be conducted in Australia will be the best option for you to go for. These scholarships are targeted not only to Masters but also to Bachelors. Thus, both students have the option to apply for. The financial benefit is for $1000 and the deadline for the applications is extended meaning that you have plenty of time to think and work on. The final deadline is 21st September 2021.

Also Apply for Fully Funded Masters Programs in Australia

Details about Fully Funded Masters Programs i.e. Next Generation Scholarship in Australia

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COVID-19 has undoubtedly affected everything in the world and education sector is among them. Ongoing students’ studies and the students who had to join the sessions – all got supremely disturbed that now they are unable to pursue their studies abroad. This scholarship makes it sure that the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs are able to maintain the expenditures like internet costs, tuition fees, counselling and mental health support coupled with various other expenses.

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Country Name: Australia

Finance Source: Fit My Car

Budget: $1000

Program: Bachelors and Masters

Deadline: 21st September 2021

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Purpose of the Scholarship

The aim of the fully funded Masters programs scholarships, which are also awarded to Bachelors, is to endow the financial assistance to exceptional university of college students with the amount of $1000 so that it could be a help for them to pay the tuition, books, accommodation, computer and any other relevant expenses.


A Little Bit about Fit My Car

Fit My Car is all about everything your car needs to look the best and swanky.

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Eligibility Criteria

You need to be eligible in order to be considered for this scholarship. Below is the eligibility you need to fulfill before making the application for the scholarship:

  • You need to be a legal resident of the US or Australia or you need to be a holder of a valid student visa
  • You have to be presently enrolled in or accepted to a full-time undergraduate or graduate program in an accredited college/university in either the United States or Australia.
  • Your age must be over 18.

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Financial Benefits

You will be awarded with an amount of $1000 for your tuition, accommodation, books an any other educational expenditures.

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Requirements for Fully Funded Masters Programs or Bachelors Studies for the Scholarships

You need to pen down an essay on the topic ‘Sustainable Automotive Innovations for the Future’. The essay needs to be emailed at in a word format file. Mention your complete name, address, contact details, school or college name and your date of birth. Use the subject line ‘FitMyCar $1000 Next Generation Scholarship | [Your Name].

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Special Note

This is the note for fully funded Masters programs for international students. Only one submission per person will be allowed. You have to prove your eligibility according to the criteria mentioned above.

fully funded Masters programs

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How to Apply?

Well, these scholarships are for fully funded Masters programs 2021, thus the application process is mentioned completely above. Nonetheless you may consult with the official page of the source. Click Apply Now.



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