INISA Student Grant 2023 for Undergraduate Students

Are you looking for student grants? If so, and you would like to apply for the same, then there is an attractive opportunity geared up for you. This grant facility is offered none other than by The Initiative Southern Africa (INISA). INISA is offering a grant for students who are from universities and other tertiary education institutions in the SADC region. The grant opportunity is open to students of all subjects but particularly INISA strongly encourages applications submitted by students from the fields of engineering, science, economics, and medical students. If you think you fit the bill and develop an interest in the same, you can apply for INISA Student Grant 2023. Let’s find out the details.

Information about INISA Student Grant 2023

As mentioned earlier the INISA grant is available for students from the SADC countries namely Botswana, Angola, Lesotho, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, Mauritius, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe respectively.

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In case the grant is awarded to more than one student, the maximum amount will then be split equally. On the part of INISA, it requires proof of tuition-related expenditures with a fee account record from the students, since the grant amount will cover a percentage of these expenditures and needs to be calculated on that basis prior to the possibility of any payment.

The grant will be paid into the fees account of students directly at the university. INISA also will require the students to present (provide) two reports on the progress of their studies in the year they are conferred the grant.

About INISA (Initiative Southern Africa)

Founded in 1995, INISA is a German Non-Governmental Organization that works with a mission to inform the German public about economic and social, and cultural developments in Southern Africa to generate interest, strengthen understanding and increase contacts and exchange between Southern Africa and Germany.

Eligibility Criteria

  • If you are interested, you need to be the applicant (m/f/d) who holds the nationality of any one of the SADC countries.
  • You need to study full-time at a tertiary education institution or university in one of the SADC countries.
  • You have to be in the second or third year of your undergraduate studies i.e., you have successfully completed a minimum of one year of studies and have successfully re-registered for further courses in the next academic year. You need to note that INISA Student Grant will not be applicable to postgraduate degrees like Honors, Master, or Ph.D. degrees.

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Financial Coverage

If successful, you will receive a grant from INISA that will cover 75% of tuition fees and relevant costs such as study material and books, residence fees, etc. for the 2023 academic year up to a maximum of Euros 3000 (or the equivalent in local currency).

Closing Date (Deadline)

The last date for application submission is 30th July 2023. If you like to apply, you need to submit your application before or by the deadline.

How to Apply for INISA Student Grant 2023

If you want to apply, you should then visit the official call for a grant and understand the complete details and application process. Once you have become aware of everything, you may then apply for the grant.

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