Apply for Seoul National University Scholarship 2020 - Grab A Scholarship

Applications INVITED for Seoul National University Scholarship 2020 – APPLY NOW

Dream scholarships offered by world renowned university that has big ranking among the top ranked universities of the globe have been announced to apply for. Seoul National University Scholarship 2020 is out to lodge your applications for. Applications are invited for Masters, MPhil, Masters Leading to PhD and PhD in all fields and majors. These are fully funded scholarships with monthly stipend. Seoul National University (SNU) is always on high priority of the students who wish and dream to study in a rich educational setup. The university is popular for its highly educated faculty and the quality education it offers.

Start preparing to apply for Seoul National University Scholarship 2020, submission time is fast approaching

The applications for these fully funded programs will open from 9th March 2020 and last till 26th March 2020. It means the applicants will have limited time to apply and arrange the required documents for the application. Therefore, to avoid any haste and problems which might occur during the application period, students need to list down all their requirements and arrange the documents accordingly before the application submission time starts. You may also like to apply for Abu Dhabi Scholarships.

Initial Application Procedure

To apply for Seoul National University Scholarship 2020, the students need to have the consent from the relevant professor. The university is not asking for any acceptance letters but all you need to have is the agreement of the professor to accept you in his or her lab for Masters/MPhil or PhD or MS leading to PhD program. Thus, the students need to speed up the procedure of contacting the professors from now onward to get the acceptance from the relevant professors.

Main Funding Schemes

Seoul National University Scholarship 2020 carries 4 funding scheme from which the students may receive their funding to support their studies and get monthly stipends. Below are those for which they can seek the funding:

1) Silk Road Scholarship

This funding is limited to only social sciences and humanities students. Duration of this funding is 2 years in which the students will get full tuition fee and monthly stipend. You may study Masters and MPhil and if you wish to apply for PhD, then after 2 years duration of PhD, you will have to request your professor to support you. And remember there is no need to get afraid of since the professors at SNU normally support with their own research funding as they have much funds available to use for the students. What you need to do is ask the professor and get his or her consent to get you in his or her lab. Do it before you apply for it. Deadline is same as it is for fall admissions. Read the below link carefully as it contains the details and procedure to apply for the funding. It also has the contact to be used for any information you want from the university about the scholarship or program, etc.

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2) GSFS (Graduate Scholarship for Excellent Foreign Students)

This scholarship is for the students with specific or particular fields. It will be announced soon. Keep visiting Grab a Scholarship for the announcement or you may keep visiting SNU’s website for the updates on this funding. This funding opportunity is for Masters, PhD and MAS leading to PhD programs. The duration of the funding varies from program to program. You need to check it with the university or the professor for the same. If the duration of the funding is lesser than the duration of the program, in this case the students will have to request the professors who will then use his or her own research fund for the rest of students’ program coverage along with monthly stipend. As mentioned earlier, the professors at SNU normally do not hesitate to provide the students with funding from their own sources. Students will need to have professor’s consent that he or she will accept the student in his or her lab before you apply for it. UK Government Scholarships for Masters, Apply Now.

Seoul National University Scholarship 2020

You may read the announcements of this funding at this page.

3) KGSP (Korean Govt. Scholarship Program)

For this scholarship, we have already published a post on our website. Read Korean Government Scholarship 2020 details. Students can get nominated for KGSP through university side application. You need to contact and get consent of relevant professor that he /she will accept you as his/her research student in lab before you apply for it. Detail of this fund is available in below link.

4) Professor Scholarships

Well, to apply for Seoul National University Scholarship 2020. There is also another funding available called ‘Professor Scholarships’. It may excite the students because at SNU, the professors have massive funding from Korean Industries. They are provided with huge funds because the university has good ranking in the world and their research activities produce beneficial findings. You may also like to apply for Global Internships Program South Korea 2020.

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The professors are able to pay the tuition fee and monthly stipend from their own funds. But you need to prove yourself the best candidate for these funds. You need to present yourself professionally and in a way that you appear to be the right and potential candidate for the funds for this scholarship and all 3 mentioned above. You can search SNU professors for contacting them on SNU website or Google them and their research.


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